How To Make Money With Adult Blog

Sharing my first foray into making money online, I had failed many times and way to naive to just think that money will start rolling in once I have my websites or blogs set up without knowing I must improve on website or blog ranking.

Improve adult blog SEO ranking to make money

As in most sales letters and sales page, false impressions were portrayed in some ways that websites or blogs were not necessary to make money online. All you need to do is just sign up to be an affiliate, append your ID to a given affiliate sales page which then effectively send traffic to the vendor's product sales page. The vendor would then collect all sales leads in the form of email address. You got nothing! Unless they bought the product, you earned a commission. Even though you still don't get to keep that email address.

Now do you see the loop hole? It's a very clever one but it's been around for decades and newbies always fell into it.

Improve adult blog SEO ranking can make money

What those gurus never tell you is they don't sell from their website or blog. Those are created to attract visitors and to capture email addresses. These email addresses collated is known as list. These gurus will then send sales letters and offers to their list on intervals to make sales. The bigger the list the more money you can make over and over again.

They also never tell you the importance to improve your website or blog ranking in Google search.

That was when I finally opened up my eyes to realize it doesn't make sense to just drive traffic to affiliate product site at all.

To make sense out of everything is to go back to basics. Set up a info website or blog and to collect email addresses from there first before thinking about making money online.

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